Thursday, August 23, 2012

Letter to the President

Note: I wrote this blog entry some time ago, but misplaced it and am only posting it now, about two years after I wrote it.  I still believe what I wrote then, thought.

I recently read Frank Shaeffer's "Open Letter to President Obama about the Republicans", and I found myself dismayed that such bitterness resides in an individual deemed worthy to be paid to publish his opinions in print.  I don't know why Mr. Schaeffer is so bitter, but I pray that it doesn't spread to his readers, and I know that his advice would be the worst possible for the President to follow.

I am both religious and generally conservative, although not rabidly so.  I am also black, married, employed and have three children.  As a former liberal and current conservative, I have to say that I believe that President Obama's course so far has been right on target.  I don't agree with every page of the stimulus bill; then again, I don't know that the President does either.  I do believe that something needed to be done.  There is a great deal of mistrust between liberals and conservatives these days, and only a fool would expect that gap to be spanned in a month, or even a year.  Still, what can I say about someone who believes it isn't worthwhile to even TRY to bridge the gap?

That is the source of our President's greatness, and the reason the American people elected him - his willingness to keep trying to take the high road, to find a way to build trust and bridge gaps. The only way to succeed in such a difficult endeavour is to keep trying; the only way to fail is to quit.

As a student at MIT I had the opportunity to hear then Ambassador Andrew Jackson present his ideas to the association of black students there, and I will always remember the thrust of his message.  We, as Blacks of the world in general and in America in particular, have suffered much; we have gone through slavery, degradation and oppression; we have suffered through abuse and hatred.  We have truly run the gauntlet.  Now it is up to us to show the real mettle of a people who have been through so much; to show that we have far more to give to this nation and to this world than anyone would believe or even imagine.  I suspect the time that Mr. Jackson spoke of more than 30 years ago may have arrived with your election to the office of President of the United States.

President Obama, speaking as one American citizen, DON'T QUIT!  Don't let the naysayers of either stripe get you down or infect you with their bitterness and closed mindedness.  Don't let them convince you that we are a nation composed of people who are one half wrong and the other half right.  Everyone is sometimes wrong; no one is always wrong.  The vast majority of Americans will always support the course they honestly believe to be the correct one for this nation.  That this isn't a single course is indicative of the diversity of our nation which should be counted as a strength, not a weakness.

I humbly suggest that it is now your job to plot a course for this nation and ALL of its citizens that will lead us to true economic recovery, true world leadership, and true peace and prosperity.  It's a daunting challenge, but as a man who shares your heritage of trial by fire I believe you can face it and win if you remain true to your ideals.